4 square in PE!
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
4 square in PE
Mr. Barham discusses parts of the brain in his Psychology class.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Mr. Barham talks about parts of the brain
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that all of you are having a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for the upcoming week. The Outdoors Club will have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:20 in the cafeteria. Anyone interested in participating in this club is encouraged to attend. Science Olympiad is hosting a Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser on Wednesday and Thursday, September 27th and 28th! Students will have the opportunity to either buy doughnuts directly or buy bogo cards that you can redeem at Krispy Kreme locations to get a free dozen doughnuts with every dozen bought (redeemable up to 10 times). Participation is greatly encouraged as Science Olympiad needs all the funding we can get! Students who may be interested in buying doughnuts should fill out the Google Form (https://forms.gle/ToE5XfwwgETWanw76) and indicate what they would like to purchase. If you are planning on buying doughnuts directly on Wednesday or Thursday, remember to bring money with you! There is a teacher workday on Friday and thus there is no school for students on this date. Enjoy your long weekend. The Character Awards for this week can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VEx7C3TeUcZ5bGZHLj_YHmA2OfL3aBGn/view?usp=sharing . As always, please reach out if there is anything we can do for you. Have a terrific week. Take care. #DiscoverU
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Ms. Ward and her son, Ben, celebrating Spirit Week
The traditional hula hoop game at Community!!
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Hula hoop game - Juniors vs. Frshmen
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. I hope that all of you had as much fun on Friday at Park Day as I had. It was amazing watching you guys playing different games together and just interacting with one another. Days like that is definitely one of the things that sets us apart. Senior makeup pictures are on Monday September 18th. Please refer to this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LY8DDIclEWW45DJFSSwpBeL5RSNu7ZQK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106140142514690785611&rtpof=true&sd=true for more information about this. There is a required teacher workday on Friday September 29th. There will be no school for students on this date. The Character Awards for this week can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q8hwfRz6LX67PZpLXE0YU9OHLT03B_wL/view?usp=sharing . Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I hope that each of you has a terrific week! Take care. #DiscoverU
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Kids lounging in hammocks at Park Day
Thanks to Ms. Kellogg for providing a College Application and Essay Writing Workshop. Students have appreciated having this opportunity.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
College essay workshop
College essay workshop 2
DHS Park Day at Southside Park.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Can Jam
DHS is hosting a Spirit Week next week. We look forward to all of the creative looks that students and staff will be sporting (especially the dress up like your principal day).
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Spirit Week flyer
Congratulations to Anderson Montes Lara and Christian Lynch for receiving National Recognition from the College Board. This is a tremendous honor. Congratulations guys!
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Anderson Montes Lara and Christian Lynch
Thanks to Mr. Crosson for working with the Catawba County Library to get the Mobile Library to come back to our DHS campus periodically so students can check out books.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Mobile Library @ DHS
The following link is to a DHS article written by Kent Jones about our new vending machine. Great job Kent!! https://dhsnews.net/2023/09/08/discoverys-new-vending-machine/
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
New Vending Machine at DHS
Attention 2023 DHS Graduates and their parents: as we have done in the past, we will provide a $25 gift card for each AP course you passed during your senior year. 2023 graduates or their parents need to contact the DHS office to let us know when you'll be by to pick yours up if you qualify for it.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Gift card picture
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone is doing well. Below are the announcements for this week. We will have our annual park day on Friday September 15th. You will be getting more information in the next couple of days about this. Senior make up pictures are on Monday September 18th. Please refer to your email for more information about this. There is a required teacher workday on Friday September 29th. There will be no school for students on this day. There have been some adjustments to when some of our clubs are meeting. Book club will now meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at lunch and Pickleball club will now meet on Mondays after school. Please see your email for the Character Awards for this week. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. As always, please feel free to reach out if there's anything you need. Take care. #DiscoverU
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Pickleball Club
As a way for students to get to know more about each other, we played Ice Breaker Beach Ball in Community today. Students circled up and passed around beach balls that had a variety of questions that students responded to.
over 1 year ago, Shane Whitener
Ice Breaker Beach Ball at Community
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat in the Newton-Conover City Schools app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Watch your email for an invite today! 
 Download for Android https://bit.ly/3npEZkD
 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3yVj8Ut
about 2 years ago, Newton-Conover Schools
Welcome to Newton-Conover City School's new websites! Stay tuned for our new mobile app!
over 3 years ago, Newton-conover City Schools
N-CCS has FANTASTIC Mentors! In addition to District Mentors, Beginning Teachers at N-CCS also have Buddy Teachers to provide additional support. Here are our District Mentors in Action at BT Bootcamp! #NCCSschools #WeSupportOurTeachers #ncpublicschools
over 3 years ago, Newton-conover City Schools
women speaking to a group
women speaking to a group
women speaking to a group of people
Thank you to Hickory Young Professionals for presenting to our Beginning Teachers at BT Bootcamp! #WeSupportOurTeachers
over 3 years ago, Newton-conover City Schools
conference room with teachers