Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a Remote Learning Day for Students for Monday, January 13, 2025. Take care and be safe out there.
about 1 month ago, Shane Whitener
Due to the likelihood of inclement winter slated to begin later in the day, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate via Remote Learning Day for Students for Friday, January 10, 2025. Students should check their emails and Canvas for assignments from their teachers. Take care and be safe.
about 1 month ago, Shane Whitener
Good evening Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful break. Just a reminder that tomorrow is a teacher workday and students return to school on Tuesday. Take care.
about 1 month ago, Shane Whitener
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday break. Students will return to school on Tuesday January 7th. In the meantime, if there is anything you need, please feel free to reach out via email. Take care, have fun, and be safe!!
about 2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Senate members Bryson, Melinda, and Brooklyn delivered snacks to Shuford Elementary students as they watched the Polar Express. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Bryson, Brooklyn and Melinda deliver snacks to Shuford Elementary Students
Congratulations to Maggie, June, Nolan, and Judah for finishing 6th at the State Quill Competition!! Very proud of you guys! #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Maggie, June, Nolan, and Judah at the State Quill Competition
Shout out to the DHS Beta Club for ringing the Salvation Army bell!! #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Jamilla and Bryson ringing the Salvation Army bell
Jamilla, Anthony, Bryson, and Jason ringing the bell
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a terrific weekend and is looking forward to the last week of 1st semester for the 2024-25 school year. Below are the announcements for this week. Tomorrow is a regular day for all students. We will run a regular schedule with Enrichment. Tuesday is the English 2 EOC. Wednesday is the Math 1 and Math 3 EOCs. Thursday is make up EOCs and Teacher Made Math Assessments with Ms. Greenwald. Please see the following link which will take you to a flyer which includes a QR code that can be scanned to purchase your yearbook or senior ad. DHS merchandise is on sale - tshirt, crewneck sweatshirt, or hoodie. An email has been sent to all students about purchasing if interested. Please speak with your student about this. This week's Character Awards can be found at: I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. If there's anything you need, please let us know. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Congratulations to Zoe Kaylor for receiving a full ride to Davidson via a match scholarship through Questbridge!!
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Zoe Kaylor - full ride to Davidson
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. Monday & Tuesday - Enrichment, Wednesday - Advisory, Thursday - Family, and Friday - Community. This past week students were given a green sheet of paper outlining the upcoming testing schedule. Please be sure to review this sheet with your student, complete it, and sign and return it. If you have any questions, in regards to the testing schedule, please let me know. The band has its winter concert on Monday evening at 7:00 in the NCHS gym. Our winter formal is on Friday 6:00-9:00. Tickets continue to be on sale during lunch for $8 each. Tickets will not be sold at the door so be sure to purchase them at lunch by Thursday. As we reach the end of first semester, I encourage you to check your student's grades and reach out to teachers if you have any questions or concerns. The Character Awards for this week can be found at I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. As always, please reach out if there is anything you need. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
2 months ago, Shane Whitener
Good afternoon Discovery family!! I hope that all of you have had a wonderful and restful break. As I reflect back over the last several days, I'm grateful for my wife and our four kids as well as my Discovery family....the staff, students and families I have the privilege to serve. Below are the announcements for this week. Monday & Tuesday - Enrichment, Wednesday - Advisory, Thursday - SEL, and Friday - Community. Our Winter Formal will be on Friday December 13th and tickets go on sale tomorrow during lunch for $8 each. On Tuesday evening at 6:00, there will be a Parent Meet & Greet for all interested parents. This will provide parents with an opportunity to learn test taking strategies for their students as we approach 1st semester exams, a way to share any concerns you may have, a way to mingle and connect with one another, a way to share recruiting ideas, as well as other topics. Light refreshments will be provided. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Let's finish this first semester off strong. As always, please reach out if there is anything you need. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Thanksgiving Feast
Good afternoon DHS family. I hope that everyone has had a terrific short week and is looking forward to a rejuvenating break. On Tuesday December 3rd at 6 pm in the cafeteria, there will be a DHS Parent Meet and Greet event. This will provide parents with an opportunity to learn test taking strategies for their students as we approach 1st semester exams, a way to share any concerns you may have, a way to mingle and connect with one another, a way to share recruiting ideas, as well as other topics. Light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you all on December 3rd at 6 pm. Take care.
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Good afternoon Discovery Family. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for the upcoming week. The Enrichment schedule for the upcoming week is as follows: Monday - Enrichment, Tuesday - Community followed by the Thanksgiving Feast. On Tuesday we will have a normal first period and then you will go to your 2(1) class like normal. At the end of 2(1) we will have community starting at 9:55 and will dismiss people to eat in there. If you've not already done so, make sure you sign up on the spreadsheet to share what you plan to bring for the feast on Tuesday. Thanksgiving Break will be Wednesday November 27th through Sunday December 1st. Students will return to school on Monday December 2nd. Looking ahead, the Winter Formal will be on Friday December 13th 6:00-9:00 pm. Tickets are $8 and will go on sale during lunch starting Monday December 2nd. This week's Character Awards can be found at: I hope that everyone has a terrific short week. As always, if there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Aidan wins the annual pie eating contest
Students received their new school t-shirts today with our theme "Handle Hard Better" printed on the back. All of us will encounter tough situations thoughout our lives. How we handle them defines a lot about who we are. At the beginning of the school year, I showed a video clip of a speech that Duke Women's Basketball Coach, Kara Lawson, made at practice. I encourage everyone to go back and rewatch it. As you view it, reflect on ways that you can Handle Hard Better. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
DHS Handle Hard Better T-shirts
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone is having an amazing weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. We will have Enrichment on Monday and Tuesday, Advisory on Wednesday, Family on Thursday, and Community on Friday. Seniors will be meeting with Mr. Wilkinson on Tuesday during Enrichment to work on their Career Development Plan. Dr. Gabriel will be meeting with our Student Senate on Wednesday during Advisory to see how everything is going. Students, please see a senate member before then if there is something particular you want to make sure they share with him. Our Thanksgiving Feast will be on Tuesday November 26th. Be on the lookout for a sign up sheet later this week. The following are the Character Awards for this week: As we are getting closer to the end of first semester, students make sure that you continue to work hard in classes and ask questions when you have them. We have after school tutoring if you need to take advantage of that as well. If there is anything you need, please reach out. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Students playing Scooter Hockey during Community
Congratulations to the 15 students inducted into the National Beta Club tonight!! #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
New Beta Club Inductees
Current Beta President and Vice Presidents
Many of our seniors took the opportunity to visit the ASU Hickory Campus today. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Seniors along with Ms. Arditti and Ms. Darden at the ASU Hickory Campus
Seniors at ASU Hickory Campus
Good afternoon Discovery Family. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their long weekend. I also hope that you've had a chance to thank a veteran for the freedoms we have in our country. Below are the announcements for this week. First, I want to thank everyone who participated in our Fall BBQ. It was once again a huge success as we raised over $5700!!! This will go to purchasing educational equipment which will enhance students' educational experience. We will have Enrichment on Tuesday, Advisory on Wednesday, Family on Thursday, and Community on Friday. Interested seniors, who have permission slips completed, will be traveling to the ASU Hickory campus tomorrow to tour. New Beta Club members will have an induction ceremony tomorrow evening at 6 pm. This week's Character Awards can be found at: As we look ahead, we will be having our annual Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday November 26th. Students will be getting more information about this in the coming days. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. As always, if there is anything you need, please feel free to reach out. Take care. #DiscoverU #HandleHardBetter
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Mr. Scronce cooking BBQ
Good afternoon Discovery family. There is no school tomorrow in observance of Veterans Day. Take care.
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Below are the items we need for the BBQ. 12 gallons of beans 6 gallons of BBQ sauce 600 chips 600 buns 600 desserts 2 boxes 500 count wax paper If you are able to get any of this, please bring it by the school. Also, if you plan to order any BBQ and have not already done so, please do this by lunch time tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support.
3 months ago, Shane Whitener