Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a terrific weekend. Below are the announcements for this week.
Thursday March 10th is the end of the third quarter. Please make sure that you get with your teachers to ensure all assignments are up to date.
Friday March 11th and Monday March 14th are Teacher Workdays which mean students will not attend these days.
Sunday March 13th - Daylight Savings Time Begins. Be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night before going to bed.
Mr. Wilkinson will be here on Tuesday March 8th during Enrichment to meet with Freshmen and Sophomores to discuss CTE offerings at NCHS. He will then be here on Wednesday March 9th during Advisory to meet with Juniors to discuss CTE offerings for them.
Students be on the lookout for the 4th Quarter Enrichment Form which will be sent out by the end of the day tomorrow. Please be sure to complete it before you leave school on Wednesday so that we can have those set for Tuesday March 15th.
Here are the Character Awards for this week.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.