Story by Anacelia Cruz

Over the past few years, Discovery High School has had many students from different parts of the world, such as South Africa, Thailand and China. We are thrilled to have these students attend our school and hear their opinions on how Discovery is different.

Students come here for a variety of reasons. One reason is that DHS students interact with students from other schools and encourage them to join. “I chose to come here because I heard from a former student named Kirk that this is a very good school, both academically and [socially]. I heard it is a pretty small school, but teachers are caring about their students, which is definitely true,” said senior Yue Wu. “I heard my friends and my middle school teachers say DHS is a very good school, so I wanted to try,” said Qile Wu.

The atmosphere at DHS has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students from other parts of the world. The students have mentioned that the atmosphere set by the community here is tranquil and secure. “I was previously at Patton High, and although Discovery has fewer students, everyone gets along very well, and the atmosphere among the students is great with a strong focus on learning,” said Jiarui Li, a sophomore. “The atmosphere here is excellent. Compared to my previous school, the overall quality of the students is much higher,” said Yuanman Sun. 

At Discovery, we have many classes to choose from, including our AP courses. Students who have taken these classes agree that they are very interesting and the atmosphere more relaxed compared to their previous schools. “All the courses I’m currently taking are good, and I’ve achieved the results I wanted,” said Li.

Discovery is an excellent school with achievement-minded students. Every student has something they love about Discovery, whether that be the teachers, community, classes, or activities.“[I appreciate] the inclusivity for different races and the friendliness of the teachers,” said Sun. “I like that there are so many activities here, and it’s really relaxing compared to China,” said Lijun Long. “There are some really good people here [who are] encouraging, funny, and patient. The teachers are very supportive as well,” said Yue Wu. We are pleased that these students have chosen to join us at Discovery, and we hope their years here are enjoyable.