Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. Attention Sophomores and Sophomore parents: On Tuesday evening at 5:30 here at the school, we will be hosting a meeting to discuss the College and Career Promise (CCP) program through CVCC. This is an important meeting that all of you should plan to attend. Contact Ms. Arditti if you have any questions. On Friday February 23rd 2:50-6:30, Beta Club will be sponsoring a video game tournament in the gym. If you are interested in participating or watching, please refer to the flyers hung around the school and/or the email that was sent out on Friday. Attention Juniors and Junior parents: We will be hosting our final ACT prep session on Saturday February 24th 9-12 in the cafeteria. I highly recommend that you plan on attending in order to practice for the ACT which will be on Tuesday February 27th. On Tuesday February 27th, our juniors will indeed be taking the ACT and our sophomores will be taking the CCRA which is a practice ACT test. Freshmen and Seniors will have an asynchronous learning day on this date. I would encourage seniors to use this day to possibly visit some colleges as well. I hope that everyone has a terrific evening and I look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces tomorrow morning. As always, please reach out if there is anything you need. Take care. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Video Game flyer
Important band dates for this summer and upcoming 2024-25 school year: Freshman Camp July 23rd- July 25th 9 am-1 pm Full Band Camp July 29th-August 2nd August 5th - 9th 8 am - 5 pm On the field from 8 am-12 pm Both gyms from 1-5 pm Stadium Reservations August 12-13 Evening Rehearsals 6-9 pm Stadium Field August 14th Afternoon Rehearsal 12-5 pm Practices every Tuesday from 6:30-9:15 pm August 20th August 27th September 3rd September 10th September 17th September 24th October 1st October 8th October 15th October 22nd October 29th Saturday Practices - All-Day September 28th October 5th October 12th October 19th - Southeastern Classic October 26th November 2nd Winter Concert December 10th - Gymnasium
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Kai and Zorra enjoy some Bojangles during the ACT Prep session this morning. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Kai and Zorra at the ACT Prep session
Ms. Isaac's theater students perform a courtroom drama. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Ms. Isaac's theater students
Ms. Isaac's theater students
We played ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors in Community today. Congratulations to Ben for being the champion!
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Ben wins the Championship
Ana and Ben for the championship
Ultimate Paper, Rock, Scissors
Ms. Arditti's family playing Pictionary. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Ms. Arditti's family playing Pictionary
Mr. Crosson's family having fun with Just Dance yesterday. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Just Dance competition in Mr. Crosson's family
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. There is a community service opportunity at North Newton Elementary School on Monday February 12th. Interested students should complete the google form that was sent out on Thursday. The enrichment schedule this week will be as follows: Tuesday-Enrichment, Wednesday-Advisory, Thursday-Family, and Friday-Community. Friday is Discovery Day. We will have a number of prospective students on our campus this day. Show them why DHS is so special. There will be another ACT prep session for juniors on Saturday February 17th. Please complete the form if you plan to attend. I hope that juniors will take advantage of this opportunity to prepare for the ACT which will be on February 27th. The Character Awards for this week can be found at Enjoy your day off tomorrow as Monday is a workday for teachers. As always, please reach out if there is anything we can do for you. Take care. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Isaac, Josh, Julio, and Abby are Champions
Shout out to Ms. Arditti for doing a "science lesson" for our students on the hazards of vaping. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Ms. Arditti teaches about the hazards of vaping
Good morning Discovery family. There will be no school tomorrow February 9th and Monday February 12th because both are teacher workdays. Students received an email earlier today about a community service opportunity at North Newton Elementary on both of these days. Several students are missing hours and this would be a perfect opportunity to get quite a few. Take care. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Maggie and Melinda help with recruiting efforts at Hickory Day yesterday afternoon. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
Maggie and Melinda recruiting at Hickory Day
Thanks to the Catawba Apprenticeship Network for coming and meeting with our juniors and seniors today. This is a great opportunity for our students. #DiscoverU
3 months ago, Shane Whitener
CAN partners
CAN presentation
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had an amazing weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. The Enrichment schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday-Enrichment, Tuesday-Advisory, Wednesday-Family, and Thursday-Community. On Monday, during Enrichment, juniors and seniors will attend an apprenticeship informational session in the gym. Friday February 9th and Monday February 12th are teacher workdays which means no school for students on those two days. This upcoming week is School Counselor Appreciation Week. I encourage all of you to thank Ms. Arditti for everything she does for our school as a whole as well as how she supports each of our students. Beta Club is going to do a pet supplies drive starting on Monday. We accept all kinds of pet supplies, including pet food, pet litter, treats, cans, blankets, and toys with non-removable parts. There will be a box in the hallway in front of the vending machine where you can drop off your donations. All the supplies will go to the Humane Society and Catawba County Animal Shelter. Your donations will make a big difference for the animals who are waiting for their forever homes. Thank you for your support! The following is the link for the Character Awards for this week: I hope that everyone has a wonderful short week. As always, please reach out if there is anything we can do for you. Take care. #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
Teacher Workday Friday Feb 9th and Monday Feb 12th
DHS students take advantage of the ACT prep session on Feb. 3rd. #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
DHS students attend ACT prep session
Mr. Scronce does a great job of getting his AP Environmental Science students to be able to pick out the big ideas of the unit and make connections between those big ideas. #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
Mr. Scronce explains how to pick out the big ideas of their current unit in APES
Thanks to Melanie Sigmon, Catawba County Paramedic, for coming and refreshing our students on how to do hands only CPR. Our seniors also stayed after to demonstrate that they know what to do since this is a graduation requirement for them. #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
Marco and Collin practicing CPR
Isabella and Madie practicing CPR compressions
Melanie Sigmon explaining how to know when to do CPR
Melanie Sigmon demonstrating how to do CPR
Huge shout out to Stacey and Ron Archer for donating an American flag to our school. We are proud to have it waving outside DHS! #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
American flag donated by Stacey and Ron Archer
Just a reminder of the ACT Prep session at DHS on Saturday February 3rd 9-12. Interested juniors should complete the google form that Mr. Whitener emailed them earlier this morning. Take care.
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
Congratulations to the following students who auditioned and made it into the All-District Honor Band. They competed against schools in the 17 other counties in the Northwest District. This is a huge accomplishment! Benjamin Higley - 12th - Tuba Josh Gordon - 10th - Alto Saxophone Aidan Morton - 10th - Bass Clarinet *State Eligible Peyton Surridge - 11th - Mallets *State Eligible Jonathan Ebel - 10th - Mallets *State Eligible Ryan Dant - 12th - Tuba #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
All-District Band Members Ben, Josh, Aidan, Peyton, Jonathan, and Ryan.
Good afternoon Discovery family. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Below are the announcements for this week. Congratulations to our Science Olympiad team who competed at Virginia Tech on Saturday. A special shout out to Kirk and Eric who won 1st place in Robot Tour! We have had some issues with PowerSchool which is why we have been unable to send home report cards for the first semester. You can still access them through the Parent Portal and once the issues have been resolved, we will send home paper copies. We are still accepting applications for new students. If you know of any prospective students who would like to join our DHS family, please encourage them to apply by February 15th. The Discovery High School’s yearbook is still on sale. Yearbooks may be purchased at for $39.99 plus tax. Personalization is extra if you would like to choose to purchase this option. Senior ads are also on sale and will stay on sale until February 14th at which time all senior ads need to be turned in. Seniors ads are priced as followed: Full Page: $125 Half Page: $70 Quarter Page: $35 We will be holding another ACT Prep session on Saturday February 3rd 9-12 in the DHS cafeteria. Any junior interested in attending, should complete the google form that was sent out this past week. I hope that everyone has a terrific week. As always, please reach out if there is anything we can do for you. Take care. #DiscoverU
4 months ago, Shane Whitener
DHS Science Olympiad team at VT